O. N. Bardanova, S. A. Krasnoperova

Annotation. The article deals with the problem of development and inflow of fluids into wells. An overview of methods of instantaneous depression as a method for optimizing well development processes is presented. This method is widely used in the oil fields of JSC Udmurtneft, as it does not require large expenditures, and can significantly improve the filtration characteristics of the bottom-hole formation zone and the inflow profile, which can significantly increase the productivity of wells and increase the final oil recovery coefficient by reducing the skin factor. Practical application of "instant" locally-held circular depression on Cucirca-Kingofsat field. The analysis revealed that the results were positive, the flow rate increased by 28%. Thus, this method can be recommended for use in other fields, but with some restrictions: only one operation is performed per well equipment descent; high requirements for the tightness of the tubing string; low technological efficiency is observed if the Deposit is multi-layer.

Keywords: instantaneous depression method, fluid pressure, development, well, field, oil, productive formation.

For citation: Bardanova O.N., Krasnoperovа S. A. [Optimization of development wells by the method of instant depression] Upravlenie tekhnosferoi, 2020, vol. 3, issue 4. (In Russ.) Available at: f-ing.udsu.ru/technosphere pp. 484–491. DOI: doi.org/10.34828/UdSU.2020.79.47.001PDF362kb


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About the Author

Bardanova Olga Nikolaevna
Head of the educational and laboratory complex, assistant of the Department of drilling and operation of oil and gas wells, Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "Udmurt state University",
426034, Universitetskaya str., 1/7, Izhevsk, Russia.
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Krasnoperova Svetlana Anatolievna
Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Oil and Gas Geology, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Udmurt state University",
426034, Universitetskaya str., 1/7, Izhevsk, Russia.
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