E.N. Rybakov, D.S. Tyagunov


Annotation The article presents the results of the study of radiation contamination with cesium-137 bottom and floodplain sediments of reservoirs of Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk regions. The aim of the work was to determine in open non-flowing water bodies the magnitude of their pollution due to the migration of radionuclide (cesium-137) from the catchment area due to the events that occurred in the Ural region in the period 1953-1980. To determine the caesium-137 value in bottom and floodplain sediments, samples were taken weighing at least 1 kg. Gamma-spectrometric measurements were carried out using a spectrometer «Gamma 1C» with a detection unit UDS-G-63×63-USB in a low background chamber. According to the results of gamma-spectrometric measurements, the isotope cesium-137 was found in the floodplain and silt of all the lakes under study. It was found that the activity of samples from the floodplain areas of all studied lakes significantly exceeds the activity of silt deposits. It is shown that in the conditions of contamination of cesium – 137 silt deposits and floodplain areas of the studied lakes, its dependence on the distance to the source of radioactive contamination is traced which is the PO «Mayak».
Keywords: lakes, bottom sediments, specific activity, cesium-137, silt, radioactivity, radioecology, migration.

For citation: Rybakov E.N., Tyagunov D.S. [The study of pollution of lakes of the Ural region technogenic radionuclide according bottom and floodplain sediments]. Upravlenie texnosferoj, 2019, vol. 2, issue 1. (In Russ) Available at: f-ing.udsu.ru/technosphere


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About the Authors

Rybakov Evgeny Nikolayevich

candidate of technical Sciences, researcher, Institute of Geophysics, Ural branch of RAS,

620016, Ekaterinburg, ul. Amundsen 100,

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Tyagunov Dmitry Sergeevich

candidate of technical Sciences, researcher, Institute of Geophysics, Ural branch of RAS,

620016, Ekaterinburg, ul. Amundsen 100,

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