O.P. Druzhakina




Annotation. The analysis of the normative base of the reform of waste management system has been carried out. Factors contributing to its initiation and one of its directions (separate collection of solid municipal wastes) are analyzed. An important tool of today's reform - the involvement of the population (citizens) as active participants in the newly formed system in terms of separate collection of waste - is noted. The experience of EU countries in the development of the culture of separate collection of municipal waste is shown. The results of studies of the most common mistakes made by the population during the separate waste collection according to the two container system adopted in the Udmurt Republic are given. Based on the experience of informational and educational work under the project "UdSU separates" it is proposed to form information stands on the rules of separate waste collection for organizations, educational institutions and public sites. This will contribute to the formation of the informational ecological space.

Keywords: separate waste collection, separating collection, two container system, public participation, ecological culture, informational and educational space.


For citation: Druzhakina O.P. [Population and the waste management system reform: developing an eco-culture] Upravlenie tekhnosferoi, 2022, vol. 5, issue 1. (In Russ.) Available at: https://technosphere-ing.ru/ рр. 53 – 66. DOI: 10.34828/UdSU.2022.97.29.006



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About the Author


Druzhakina Olga Pavlovna

Candidate of technical sciences, Associate Professor, Department of environmental engineering, Institute of civil protection, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Udmurt state University", 426034, Universitetskaya str., 1/4, Izhevsk, Russia.

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