M.Ya. Borovsky, S.V. Shakuro, A.S. Borisov, V.I. Bogatov
Annotation. Aspects of industrial use of landfill gas (biogas) as an alternative energy source in Western countries and in Russia are considered. The negative impact of landfills on the environment and the need for environmental monitoring are emphasized. In order to determine the development trend of environmental pollution, a stage-by-stage geophysical survey of landfills and solid waste landfills is formulated. Examples of using electrotomography within solid waste landfills are given. The possibility of using maps of the area distribution of electrical properties to assess the protection of the geological environment from the negative impact of processes occurring in the body of solid waste landfills and landfills is demonstrated . Key words: solid waste, landfill gas, alternative source of energy, ecology, monitoring, electrical resistivity tomography.
For citation: Borovsky M.Ya., Shakuro S.V., Borisov A.S., Bogatov V.I. [Solid waste landfills and landfills as additional sources of hydrocarbon gas and environmental monitoring facilities]. Upravlenie tekhnosferoj, 2020, vol. 3, issue 2. (In Russ.) Available at: f-ing.udsu.ru/technosphere pp. 191 – 206. DOI 10.34828/UdSU.2020.26.81.003
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2. Borovsky M.Ya. Svalochnyi gaz: ekologo-geofizicheskie aspekty [Landfill gas: ecological and geophysical aspects]. Materialy IX Mezhregional'noi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii «Promyshlennaya ekologiya i bezopasnost'» [Proceedings of the IX Interregional scientific and practical conference «Industrial ecology and safety»]. Eipb Magazine, 2014, no.1-2, pp. 9 – 12.
3. Borovsky M.Ya. Metodologiya geofizicheskoi otsenki vliyaniya poligonov i svalok tverdykh otkhodov na okruzhayushchuyu sredu [Methodology of geophysical assessment of the impact of landfills and landfills of solid waste on the environment]. Voprosy teorii i praktiki geologicheskoi interpretatsii gravitatsionnykh, magnitnykh i elektricheskikh polei: materialy XXXVI Sessii Mezhdunarodnogo seminara imeni D.G. Uspenskogo, (g. Kazan', 26-31 yanvarya 2009 g). [Questions of theory and practice of geological interpretation of gravitational, magnetic and electric fields: Materials of the XXXVI Session Of the international seminar named after D.G. Uspensky]. Kazan: Kazan publishing House. state University, 2009. рр. 69 – 72.
4. Borovsky M.Ya., Borisov A.S., Fakhrutdinov E.G. Kompleksnoe geologo-geofizicheskoe izuchenie verkhnei chasti osadochnogo chekhla [Complex geological and geophysical study of the upper part of the sedimentary cover]. Kazan: Kazan publishing House. UN-TA, 2016, 216 p.
5. Borovsky M.Ya., Gazeev N.H., Nurgaliev D.K. Geoekologiya nedr Respubliki Tatarstan: geofizicheskie aspekty [Geoecology of the subsoil of the Republic of Tatarstan: geophysical aspects]. Kazan: Ecocenter, 1996, 316 p.
6. Pustoselov M.G. Vozmozhnosti geofizicheskikh metodov pri izuchenii svalok tverdykh otkhodov [Possibilities of geophysical methods in the study of solid waste disposal]. Geoekologiya, inzhenernaya geologiya, gidrogeologiya, geokriologiya [Geoecology, engineering Geology, hydrogeology, Geocryology], 2002, no.2, рр. 182 – 191.
7. Shakuro S.V., Borovsky M.Ya. Geofizicheskaya otsenka ploshchadei, zagryaznennykh nefteproduktami, na urbanizirovannykh territoriyakh [Geophysical assessment of areas contaminated with oil products in urbanized territories]. Energoresurso-effektivnost' i energosberezhenie v Respublike Tatarstan: trudy Kh Mezhdunarodnogo simpoziuma. Kazan', (1-3 dekabrya 2009 g.) [Energy Resource-efficiency and energy saving in the Republic of Tatarstan: proceedings of the X International Symposium], 2009. Kazan: publishing house «Onegin», 2009, рp. 202 – 212.
About the Authors
Borovsky Mikhail Yakovlevich
Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, General Director «Geofizservice». Kazan. Republic of Tatarstan, Russia.
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Shakuro Sergey Vladimirovich
General Director «FRONT Geology», Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.
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Borisov Anatoly Sergeevich
Doctor of Geological and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Geophysics and Geoinformation Technologies, Senior Researcher. Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia.
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Bogatov Vladimir Ilyich
Leading geophysicist «Geofizservice». Kazan. Republic of Tatarstan, Russia.
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