V.B. Boltyrov, L.A. Storozhenko, S.A. Degtyarev


Annotation. Obtaining baseline information to substantiate effective measures to prevent the negative effects of hazardous geological processes is carried out by monitoring them in specific territories. As a result of specialized remote sensing, sets of conjugate thematic maps of different scales are developed, the joint processing of which allows us to identify patterns of the space-time distribution of emergencies and outline the zones (areas) most prone to emergencies. Geotechnical maps of the activation of the hazardous geological processes are the final stage of forecasting. They are compiled for each type of hazardous geological processes. To solve the problems of the stability of engineering structures, a set of methods for studying rock massifs is used, identifying potentially dangerous tectonic disturbances, the geodynamic activity of which can cause disasters.
Keywords: hazardous geological processes, monitoring, engineering stability, forecasting.

For citation: Boltyrov V.B., Storozhenko L.A., Degtyarev S.A. [Methods for studying hazardous geological processes in the urals]. Upravlenie texnosferoj, 2019, vol. 2, issue 1. (In Russ) Available at: f-ing.udsu.ru/technosphere


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About the Authors

Boltyrov Vladimir Boshaevich

Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor,

Professor, Department of Geology and Emergency Protection Ural State Mining University

 620144, Ural Federal District, Sverdlovsk region., Yekaterinburg, Kuibyshev st., 30

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Storozhenko Lyubov Aleksandrovna

Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences

Associate Professor of the Department of Geology and Protection in Emergency Situations

Ural State Mining University

 620144, Ural Federal District, Sverdlovsk Region, Ekaterinburg, Kuibyshev st., 30,

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Degtyarev Sergey Antonovich

master student

Ural State Mining University

 620144, Ural Federal District, Sverdlovsk Region,

 Ekaterinburg, Kuibyshev st., 30,

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