V.V. Denisov, T.N. Ivanova
Annotation. The main reason for jamming, dragging and sticking are plenty of clay minerals, inconsistency of properties and composition of drilling flushing fluid as well as non-compliance of the flushing mode with the geological and technical conditions of reservoir opening. Sticking is a common and serious drilling complication. It takes considerable time and money to eliminate sticking. Types of sticking, signs of their occurrence and measures for their elimination are considered. The upper limit of sticking of a free part of drill-strings by elastic elongation, tensile load, own weight of the strings is established. The algorithms for determining the type of sticking and the sequence of operations to eliminate differential wall sticking are given.
Key words: drilling, casing, drill-string, differential wall sticking, elimination of sticking.
For citation: Denisov V.V., Ivanova T.N. [Analysis and elimination of tacks as one of the ways to reduce accident while drilling] Upravlenie tekhnosferoi, 2022, vol. 5, issue 4. (In Russ.). Available at: https://technosphere-ing.ru/ рр. 399–407. DOI: 10.34828/UdSU.2022.27.37.004.
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About the Authors
Denisov Vladislav Vladimirovich
Master student, Institute of Oil and Gas named after M.S. Gutseriev, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Udmurt State University", 426034, University st., 1, Izhevsk, Russia. E-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.
Ivanova Tatyana Nikolaevna
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Institute of Oil and Gas. M.S. Gutseriev, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Udmurt State University", 426034, University st., 1, Izhevsk, Russia. E-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.
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