E.S. Nasyrova, N.A. Kalsin, R.R. Galimova
Annotation. Technosphere includes technical and technogenic objects, for example, food industry objects that use ammonia to produce cold. A fire, explosion or chemical accident at food processing facilities are among the spontaneous technogenic geo-environmental hazards. Among the existing calculation methods the most accessible with a minimum amount of input data is RD. 52.04.253-90. In this paper, it is proposed to determine the potential risk of harm to public health according to the methodology of MR 5.1.0116-17, taking into account the area of the zone of possible contamination and population density. On the example of a hypothetical city it is shown that at wind speeds greater than 2.0 m/s there will be a low risk of harm to the health of the population living around the food processing facility. If there is accurate data on the number of facilities and residences falling within the zone of possible contamination, it is possible to accurately determine the size of the population exposed to the facility. Ensuring technosphere safety (as one of the directions of sustainable development) is possible with minimization of spontaneous technogenic geo-ecological hazards.
Keywords: technosphere, food industry, ammonia, fire, explosion, chemical accident, zone of possible contamination, risk, sustainable development.
For citation: Savichev G.S., Borkhovich S.Yu., Trubicyna N.G. [Assessment of potential danger of technosphere objects using Ammonia] Upravlenie tekhnosferoi, 2024, vol. 7, issue 3. (In Russ.). Available at: https://technosphere-ing.ru/ рр. 453–463. DOI: 10.34828/UdSU.2024.86.41.007.
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About the Authors
Nasyrova Elina Sagitovna
PhD, Associate professor, Ufa University of Science and Technology
4500076, Ufa city, Z.Validi st. 32, Russia
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Kalsin Nikita Aleksandrovich
PhD student, Ufa University of Science and Technology
4500076, Ufa city, Z.Validi st. 32, Russia
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Galimova Rozalina Ralifovna
Student, Ufa University of Science and Technology
4500076, Ufa city, Z.Validi st. 32, Russia
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