O.A. Sharova, L.F. Ushivtseva
Annotation. Exploration, development and production of oil and gas have a significant impact on all components of the environment: atmosphere, hydrosphere, soils, flora and fauna. Construction of wells, which are highly fire- and explosive-hazardous objects, takes up areas of agricultural land, considerable volumes of water and chemical reagents for preparing flushing liquids and in the production cycle. It is characterized by high land consumption, considerable polluting capacity, and high explosion- and fire hazard of industrial facilities. The chemical reagents used in well drilling, oil and gas production and treatment have varying degrees of hazard and have a certain impact on the environment and humans. In addition, hydrocarbon (HC) development is accompanied by oil or petroleum product spills, uncontrollable oil and gas fountains, and emissions of pollutants from machinery and equipment, oil and gas treatment and processing facilities. Increased production of hydrocarbon raw materials leads to an increase in the amount of waste generated during their exploration, production and processing. Waste from oil and gas production includes emissions of pollutants in the form of flue gases, combustion products of flared associated gas; produced water, industrial effluents, drilling waste. Consequently, monitoring of the environment and sources of pollution associated with the oil and gas industry requires a developed "Environmental Policy and strict compliance with environmental legislation".
Keywords: field, gas condensate, environment, industrial wastes, flue gases, drilling cuttings, landfill, monitoring, environmental safety.
For citation: Sharova O.A., Ushivtseva L.F. [Integrated approach to industrial waste management (case study of Аstrakhan gas-chemical complex)]. Upravlenie tekhnosferoi, 2023, vol. 6, issue 2. (In Russ.) Available at: https://technosphere-ing.ru/ рр. 170–181. DOI: 10.34828/UdSU.2023.46.63.004.
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About the Authors
Sharova Oksana Anatolievna
Head of the Department for Environmental Protection of the Environmental Protection Service of the Engineering and Technology Center of Gazprom's Astrakhan dobycha, Savushkina st., 6 build. 7, Astrakhan, Russia.
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Ushivtseva Lyubov Frankovna
Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Commercial Geology, Hydrogeology and Geochemistry of Combustible Fossils, Astrakhan State University, Astrakhan, pl. Shaumyana, 1, Russia.
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