А.D. Izotov, F.I. Mauritidi, S.A. Khorkov
Annotation. An outline of the new mathematical theory of complex systems of oil and gas production, based on the subject and formal adequacy of fractals, is given. Its connection with the main branches of petroleum science is shown. A new approach to modeling the motion of fluids in porous media is described. Based on it, the connection with new information technologies is shown. It is concluded that there is a single formal basis for all processes – from physico-chemical to managerial and environmental, allowing us to consider the science of oil and gas production as an independent branch of knowledge.
Keywords: mathematical modeling, numerical asymmetry, fractal geometry, p-adic numbers, complex system, oil and gas industry
For citation: Izotov А.D., Mauritidi F.I., Khorkov S.A. [Mathematical basis of innovative technologies oil and gas industry]. Upravlenie tekhnosferoj, 2019, vol. 2, issue 4. (in Russ.) Available at: f-ing.udsu.ru/technosphere
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About the Authors
Izotov Alexander Dmitrievich
Corresponding Member, Russian Academy of Sciences
doctor of chemistry, Leading Researcher
Federal State Budgetary Institution of science
N. S. Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic chemistry. of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Tel. +7(495)9523949,
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Mavrikidi Fyodor Ivanovich
k.t.n., senior researcher
Institute of oil and gas problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Tel +7(916)7966320
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Khor'kov Sergei Alekseevich
Associate Professor, Department of Heat Power Engineering,
Udmurt State University,
Oil and Gas Institute named of M.S. Gutseriev.
426034, Russia, Izhevsk, Str. University, 1/7,
Tel +7(912)7671690
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