S. A. Krasnoperova
Annotation. This article describes the ways of the technosphere development and its negative impact on the environment. the consequences of the growth of technology and the development of technologies that form the technogenic shell – technosphere are, first of all, formed quarries up to 1 km deep; waste from the processing of raw materials, industrial and domestic effluents; annually burned fuel with the release of about 30 billion tons of carbon dioxide, more than 150 million tons of sulfur dioxide and about 1 billion tons of aerosols and soot; pollution of the world's oceans, fertile lands, groundwater with oil and petroleum products, as well as the intensive pollution of outer space that has begun at present. to solve the environmental problem, it is not enough to sort and recycle garbage, but it is necessary to properly allocate water resources, close unauthorized dumps in large cities, draw the attention of the authorities to the existing environmental problems.
Keywords: technosphere, environment, pollution, industrial waste, recycling, ecosphere, biosphere.
For citation: Krasnoperova S. A. [The large-scale effects of the technogenic impact on the natural environment and their consequences]. Upravleniye tekhnosferoy, 2019, vol. 2, issue 2. (In Russ) Available at: f-ing.udsu.ru/technosphere
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About the Authors
Krasnoperova S.A.
Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor,
Department of Oil and Gas Geology, Udmurt State University,
426034, University str. 1/7, Izhevsk, Russia
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