M.M. Krivosheeva

Annotation. The article was prepared on the basis of the analysis of the standards for the accumulation of solid municipal waste «MSW», approved in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in relation to 4 categories of objects: preschool educational institutions; educational institutions; institutions of primary and secondary vocational education, higher and postgraduate education or other institutions that carry out the educational process; orphanages, boarding schools.

Key words: standards for the accumulation of MSW, categories of objects, preschool and educational institutions.


For citation: Krivosheeva M.M. [Analysis of MSW accumulation standards] Upravlenie tekhnosferoi, 2021, vol. 4, issue 2. (In Russ.) Available at:  pp. 176 – 191. DOI: 10.34828/UdSU.2021.46.13.007  pdf(732kb)




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  2. Postanovlenie ot 4 aprelya 2016 goda N 269 «Ob opredelenii normativov nakopleniya tverdykh kommunal'nykh otkhodov» s izmeneniyami na 15 sentyabrya 2018 goda [Resolution of April 4, 2016 N 269 «On the determination of standards for the accumulation of solid municipal waste» as amended on September 15, 2018].
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  4. Prikaz ot 17 iyunya 2020 goda N 18/1 «O vnesenii izmenenii v prikaz komiteta tarifnogo regulirovaniya Volgogradskoi oblasti» ot 30 iyunya 2017 g. N 21 «Ob ustanovlenii normativov nakopleniya tverdykh kommunal'nykh otkhodov na territorii Volgogradskoi oblasti». [Order of June 17, 2020 N 18/1 «On amendments to the order of the tariff regulation committee of the Volgograd region» of June 30, 2017 N 21 «On the establishment of standards for the accumulation of solid municipal waste in the Volgograd region»].
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About the Author

Krivosheeva Marina Mikhailovna

Master's student of the Samara State Technical University. 443100, Samara, st. Molodogvardeyskaya, 244, Rusia.

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