V.P. Ivannikov, A.V. Kabakova
Annotation. In the Wikipedia and other definitions of "nanoscience" given in most publications on "nanotechnology", the most significant is the indication that "real nano" begins with the appearance of new properties of substances associated with the transition to these scales and differing from the properties bulk materials. It is also indicated that the essential and most important quality of "nanoparticles" and their main difference from micro- and macroparticles is the appearance of fundamentally new properties in them, which are not manifested at other sizes. However, this statement is false, because, if you do not go beyond common sense, then the main meaning of the concepts "macroparticle", "microparticle" and "nanoparticle" lies in the term "particle", and the prefixes "macro", "micro" and "nano" there is only a dimensional characteristic of the particle scale, and nothing more. In this regard, there is no doubt about the correctness of the interpretation of the concepts of "nanoscience", "nanomaterials" and "nanotechnologies" if these concepts are not associated with the "appearance of new properties of substances due to the transition to these scales", that is, with the size of the particles that make up these macro-, micro-, or nano-objects. But products and materials formed from macro-, micro- and nanoparticles can indeed have new properties.
Keywords: "nanoscience", "nanostructure", "nanoparticles", "nanomaterials", "nanotechnologies", "nanoobjects", "microelectronics", "nanoelectronics".
For citation: Ivannikov V.P., Kabakova A.V. ["Nanotechnologies" in the field of microelectronics and nanoelectronics. possibilities and limitations] Upravlenie tekhnosferoi, 2023, vol. 6, issue 1. (In Russ.) Available at: https://technosphere-ing.ru pp. 66–92. DOI: 10.34828/UdSU.2023.11.87.007
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About the Authors
Ivannikov Valery Pavlovich
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Udmurt State University», 426034, st. Universitetskaya, 1/7, Izhevsk, Russia.
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Kabakova Anna Valerievna
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Izhevsk State Technical University named after Kalashnikov»
426054, Studentskaya str., 7, Izhevsk, Russia,
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