M.A. Pashkevich, D.A. Patokin




Annotation. Waste management has become one of the priority tasks in the framework of the country's economic development in recent years. Waste recycling, which involves the production of finished products from secondary resources, occupies an important place in the system of production and consumption waste management. Subsectors of the chemical industry, accumulating significant amounts of nitrocellulose-containing waste, become a possible source of secondary raw materials for obtaining ameliorants based on them due to their chemical composition. The aim of the study was to obtain effective and environmentally friendly mineral ameliorants based on nitrocellulose-containing waste. A chemical analysis of the waste was carried out using the methods of X-ray fluorescence analysis and IR spectroscopy with the establishment of a hazard class for the environment. Solutions of alkalis and acids for the destruction of cellulose nitrates in the waste were selected, and its disposal was carried out. Based on the results of destruction, samples of mineral ameliorants were obtained with the determination of their chemical composition by similar methods and the calculation of the hazard class for the environment. Empirically, based on the calculation of the doses of ameliorants and the germination of grass mixtures, the effectiveness of their introduction was established on the example of podzolic soils.

Keywords: waste management, cellulose nitrates, nitrocellulose, recycling, ameliorant, sewage sludge, reclamation.


For citation: Pashkevich M.A., Patokin D.A. [Mineral ameliorants based on industrial wastes containing cellulose nitrate esters] Upravlenie tekhnosferoi, 2023, vol. 6, issue 3. (In Russ.) Available at: https://technosphere-ing.ru/ рр. 386–402. DOI: 10.34828/UdSU.2023.62.58.007


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About the Authors

Pashkevich Mariya Anatolievna

Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor of the department of geoecology, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Saint Petersburg Mining University», 199106, Vasilievsky Istland, 21 line, 2, St. Petersburg, Russia.

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Patokin Dmitry Aleksandrovich

Postgraduate student of the department of geoecology, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Saint Petersburg Mining University», 199106, Vasilievsky Istland, 21 line, 2, St. Petersburg, Russia.

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