O.P. Druzhakina
Annotation. The article deals with environmental issues of utilization of snow masses from the urban area on the example of the city of Izhevsk (Udmurt Republic). Snow cover assimilates anthropogenic pollution throughout the winter period. During the spring snowmelt pollution transports to the soil and water bodies. It causes biological and chemical pollution, clogging of natural ecosystems. In the period 2010 – 2012 staff and students of the Department of Engineering of environmental protection of Udmurt state University in cooperation with the Laboratory of environmental and resource-saving technologies of the Institute of mechanics RAN conducted studies of the chemical composition of snow in different areas of Izhevsk. In 2015 on the basis of the data obtained, a comprehensive project of a snow melting station based on urban Sewerage networks with a local wastewater treatment system and a project for collecting melt water of the existing «dry» snow melting site was developed. A feasibility study of the projects was carried out.
Keywords: snow cover, monitoring of snow cover, pollution from auto transport, snow melting station, «dry» snow melting station, wastewater treatment, utilization of snow masses, water pollution, assimilation of emissions from motor transport, the snow dump.
For citation: O.P. Druzhakina [The environmental aspects of snow's disposal from urban areas]. Upravlenie texnosferoj, 2019, vol. 2, issue 1. (In Russ) Available at: f-ing.udsu.ru/technosphere
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About the Authors
Druzhakina Olga, Ph.D., Associate Professor at the Department of environmental engineering "Udmurt State University, Russia, Izhevsk, Universitetskay str., 4 E-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.