T. N. Ivanova, S. A. Krasnoperova
Annotation. This article highlights some of the principles of the technosphere, since the history of drilling Considered the origins of drilling technologies from the Paleolithic to the present time, the theory of tools and devices in drilling. Given information on the first drilling in Russia, China, America. A comparison between the concepts of drilling and drilling, given the comparative characteristics of the penetrations and depths of wells around the world. Drilling technology, drilling machines from the origins to the rapid development in the XIX century are considered in detail. Presented practice rotational rotary drilling with flushing of the borehole, the turbine method of drilling, the introduction of the electric motor and the downhole motor. Creation of turbine directional drilling marked the beginning of the introduction of inclined turboburning, which became the main method of directional drilling in the USSR and has been widely used abroad. The necessity of modern drilling of ultra-deep wells is proved. The consequences of the development and improvement of drilling technologies on the environment are identified and the tasks to solve them are defined.
Keywords: drilling, drilling tools, well, well depth.
For citation: Ivanova T. N., Krasnoperova S. A. [The development of technologies of drilling depths]. Upravlenie texnosferoj, 2019, vol. 2, issue 1. (In Russ) Available at: f-ing.udsu.ru/technosphere
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About the Authors
Ivanova Tatyana Nikolaevna
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Udmurt State University, 426034, University, 1/7, Izhevsk, Russia
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Krasnoperova S.A.
Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor,
Department of Oil and Gas Geology, Udmurt State University,
426034, University str. 1/7, Izhevsk, Russia
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Savelyev V.A.,
doctor of geological and mineralogical science, Professor,
Udmurt State University
426034, pod. University, 1/7, Izhevsk, Russia