P.S. Popov, P.A. Bochkoreva
Annotation. The system of housing and communal services of the Russian Federation has undergone serious changes in recent years, but not all of them have been optimized for the needs of management organizations, although they imply the use of modern information technologies. The article describes the system of accumulation of information in a single database with subsequent integration into interactive electronic and technical manuals. In other words, the approach of combining Smart House and Smart City is considered. This approach promises to ensure a constant collection and analysis of information about the various nodes of the apartment building and their conditions at the previous and current time. It is important that one of the superstructures of such a system will be a block of work and analysis of information on the most unpredictable subsystem of an apartment building - about the owners. A complex system, built according to the proposed principles, is able to contain information about an apartment building in an up-to-date state throughout the entire period of its management by the management organization. Eliminating the difficulties of working with the GIS of the housing and communal services, optimizing the main processes in the management organization by creating guidelines for the entire life cycle of the processes and providing them to all participants of these processes, and also giving the owners in a short time to provide the owners with up-to-date information on the apartment building and its condition.
Keywords: managing organization, apartment house, interactive electronic technical guide, IETM.
For citation: Popov P.S., Bochkoreva P.A. [The application of interactive electronic technical manuals in structural transformations of the information systems] Upravlenie tekhnosferoi, 2020, vol. 3, issue 3. (In Russ.) Available at: f-ing.udsu.ru/technosphere pp. 357–371. DOI 10.34828/UdSU.2020.96.39.009
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About the Author
Popov Pavel Sergeevich
postgraduate student, senior lecturer of the Department "System analysis and quality management", Izhevsk state technical University named after M. T. Kalashnikov, 426069 Izhevsk, 7 Studentskaya str., building 3, room 408, Russia.
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Bochkareva Polina Alekseevna
The 3rd year student, Department of "System analysis and quality management", Izhevsk State Technical University named after M. T. Kalashnikov, 426069 Izhevsk, 7 Studentskaya str., building 3, room 408, Russia.
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