L.I. Sokolov  

Annotation. The categories, hazard classes of construction waste and their classification by composition, materials and state of aggregation are presented. The directions of utilization and recycling of construction waste are analyzed. The ways of reducing the amount of construction waste are given: "deconstruction", the inclusion of the requirement for recycling waste in projects for reconstruction, demolition, new construction of buildings and structures.

Key words: construction waste, classification, hazard class, recycling, deconstruction of buildings.


For citation: Sokolov L.I. Classification and recycling of construction waste // Upravlenie tekhnosferoi, 2021, vol. 4, issue 1. (In Russ.) Available at: pp. 39 –49. DOI 10.34828/UdSU.2021.40.44.008 pdf(467kb)



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About the Author

Sokolov Leonid Ivanovich

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Vologda State University, 160000, Vologda, st. Lenin, 15

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