U.V. Valova
Annotation. It is difficult to find an effective demulsifier for dehydration oil because of their great variety. Our purpose is to research the demulsifier that would be most effective. A lot of experiments were performed. Important indicators of the quality of desalination are: efficiency, the possibility of complete water separation, economy. The presence of emulsifiers – substances which dissolve in liquids and like a "membrane", enveloping the drops and prevent their merger, depends on the emulsions stability. In this article was studied the process effect demulsifier SN – 24385 from the company Chemek (Italy) and different temperatures to separate the oil-water emulsion. In the experiments was found the optimal quantity demulsifier and process temperatures for efficient emulsion separation the field.
Keywords: demulsifier, emulsion, demulsification of oil, oil, water cutting.
For citation: Valova U.V. [The investigation of the influence of the demulsifier's SN-24385 effectiveness to conduct the demulsification]. Upravlenie texnosferoj, 2019, vol. 2, issue 1. (In Russ) Available at: f-ing.udsu.ru/technosphere
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About the Authors
Valova Y.V.
Engineer OAO «BENZ», magister Almetyevsk State Oil Institute, 2nd year student
423458 Russia, republic of Tatarstan, Almetyevsk, ul. Lenin, 2
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