L.A. Mochalova, O.G. Sokolova, M.V. Polezhaeva, D.A. Grinenko


Annotation. The relevance of the research carried out by the authors is explained by the high deviation of the modern economy. To prevent problems related to production and consumption waste, it is strongly recommended to switch to a closed-cycle economy model that is close to the natural «waste-free» model. The experience of a number of developed countries shows that it is possible to move towards such an economy. The purpose of the study is to study the institutional conditions for solving problems in the field of waste management of production and consumption, which form the appropriate infrastructure. Among them, there are economic conditions that are provided together with legal and organizational conditions. Legal conditions are determined by the legal framework, which is currently being actively developed. Organizational conditions are based on the activities of state authorities, institutions, institutions, organizations involved in the management of production and consumption waste. Economic conditions consist of material forms of state support for activities in the field of waste management of production and consumption. Such forms include: tax incentives and incentives for paying for negative environmental impacts; investment tax credits; special investment contracts; preferential land use conditions; preferential lending to small and medium-sized businesses; state guarantees of the Russian Federation on loans or bond loans; participation in the authorized capital. The authors conclude that the institutional conditions for solving problems in the field of waste management of production and consumption are not fully created. There are still many tasks to be solved related to increasing the investment attractiveness of this area for various economic entities and thus financing the planned and promising projects for the development of the industry for processing, recycling and disposal of waste.
Keywords: production wastes and consumption, circular economy, the mechanism of extended producer responsibility, ecotechnoparks, institutional conditions, financing of the projects.

For citation: Mochalova L.A., Sokolova O.G., Polezhaeva M.V., Grinenko D.A. [Institutional conditions for solving problems in the field of waste management of production and consumption]. Upravlenie tekhnosferoj, 2020, vol. 3, issue 2. (In Russ.) Available at: f-ing.udsu.ru/technosphere pp. 159 – 179. DOI 10.34828/UdSU.2020.85.39.001



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About the authors:

Mochalova Lyudmila Anatolievna

Doctor of Economics, associate professor, head of the Department of Economics and management of the «Ural State Mining University»; 30 Kuibyshev street, Yekaterinburg, 620144, Russia.

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Sokolova Olga Gennadyevna

Cand. of Economics, associate professor, associate professor of the Department of Economics and management of the «Ural State Mining University»; 30 Kuibyshev street, Yekaterinburg, 620144, Russia.

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Polezhaeva Maria Viktorovna

Senior lecturer at the Department of Economics and management of the «Ural State Mining University»; 30 Kuibyshev street, Yekaterinburg, 620144, Russia

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Grinenko Dmitry Alexandrovich

Chief specialist of the Department for municipal property management of the Yekaterinburg city Administration, Yekaterinburg, 620014, Russia

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