E.Yu.Roslyakova, L.I.Khokhlova




Annotation. Garbage in its composition contains valuable components that we lose by burying it in the ground. This causes irreparable harm to the environment and human health. The transformation of polymer waste and carbon dioxide into useful compounds is considered. For this purpose, a new reactor has been developed in Cambridge, with the help of which it is possible to produce useful products from the waste noted above. Thanks to the use of such a reactor, it is possible to clean up many contaminated areas (for example, the steppes of Kalmykia) from tons of plastic. This reactor needs only sunlight to operate.

Keywords: ecology, reactor, perovskite mineral, plastic waste, carbon dioxide, sunlight, catalyst.


For citation: Roslyakova E.Yu., Khokhlova L.I. [Converting polymer waste and carbon dioxide into useful compounds] Upravlenie tekhnosferoi, 2023, vol. 6, issue 3. (In Russ.) Available at: https://technosphere-ing.ru/ рр. 484 –489.



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2. Electronic resource. Available at: https://energyresearch.ru.

3. Sozdano toplivo iz plastika, uglekislogo gaza i solnechnoi energii [Created fuel from plastic, carbon dioxide and solar energy] Available at: https://tengrinews.kz/world_news/sozdano-toplivo-plastika-uglekislogo-gaza-solnechnoy-energii-488117/.  (In Russ.).

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About the Authors

Roslyakova Elizaveta Yurievna

Student. State University for Land Management, Moscow, st. Kazakova, 15

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Khokhlova Lina Ilyinichna

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Construction. State University for Land Management, Moscow, st. Kazakova, 15

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