O.P. Druzhakina 

Annotation. Specialists of the University conducted a comprehensive research work and developed competence models for training specialists for a new branch of the economy. The purpose of this work is the formation of new educational systems in the Udmurt State University, which are able to provide a new branch of the economy and social sphere of Udmurtia - waste management - with the necessary number of highly qualified specialists. Since 2019, Russia has been actively implementing a waste management reform. Training of qualified personnel for the waste management industry is very relevant. This is a task for modern Universities. The authors studied the structure and composition of participants in the new industry. The assessment of the contribution of the new industry to the economy of the region was carried out. Various formats of employers ' participation in the management of an educational organization, in the formation and implementation of educational programs, and in the assessment of the quality of personnel training are considered. An enlarged model of the required competencies of a university graduate has been developed, which includes the following levels: supra-professional, regulatory, technological, and information technology. The educational model provides practice-oriented, adaptable and flexible training of students, formats of continuing education that ensure that the competencies of employees of organizations meet the current needs of the modern labor market.

Key words: personnel training, competence-based approach, practice-oriented training, waste recycling, innovative branch of the economy, educational model, educational levels.

For citation: Druzhakina O.P.  [Formation of new educational systems for training qualified personnel for the industry «Waste management»] Upravlenie tekhnosferoi, 2021, vol. 4, issue 2. (In Russ.) Available at: рр. 141 – 154.

DOI: 10.34828/UdSU.2021.48.71.004  pdf(379kb)



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About the Author


Druzhakina Olga Pavlovna

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Institute of civil protection, «Udmurt state University», 426034, Universitetskaya str., 1/4, Izhevsk, Russia.

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