A.N. Zhuravleva, A.S. Igonina, I.V. Kopysova
Annotation. Based on the analysis of waste management systems of a number of enterprises, General patterns for reducing the amount of waste in production have been identified. The introduction of a separate waste collection system allows you to reduce the amount of waste, allocate useful components and sell them to recycling companies. This reduces the amount of waste and reduces costs. Creating and implementing an electronic document management system at enterprises allows you to reduce the cost of buying paper and reduce the amount of paper waste. Creating a closed waste management system at the enterprise allows using waste from one production as the primary material for another. A relatively closed waste management system in a chemical laboratory is considered as an example. Options for organizing a system of separate waste collection for the utility sector, as well as electronic document management among people, are considered.
Keywords: industrial enterprises, separate waste collection system, electronic document management system, closed waste management system.
For citation: Zhuravleva A.N., Igonina A.S., Kopysova I.V. [Basic approaches to reducing waste at enterprises] Upravlenie tekhnosferoj, 2020, vol. 3, issue 2. (In Russ.) Available at: f-ing.udsu.ru/technosphere pp. 271 – 280. DOI 10.34828/UdSU.2020.27.59.010
1. ZhuravlevaN., RogozinaA.A., Igonina A.S. Analiz sistemy obrashcheniya s tverdymi kommunal'nymi otkhodami v obrazovatel'nom uchrezhdenii [Analysis of solid municipal waste management system in an educational institution]. Obrashchenie s otkhodami: sovremennoe sostoyanie i perspektivy: sbornik statei Vserossiiskoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii [Waste management: current state and prospects: collection of articles of the all -Russian scientific and practical conference]. Ufa, 2018. рр. 51 – 54. . (In Russ.)
2. ZhuravlevaN., IgoninaA.S. Organizatsiya raboty sistemy razdel'nogo sbora TKO na primere promyshlennogo predpriyatiya [Organization of the separate waste collection system for MSW as an example of an industrial enterprise]. Obrashchenie s otkhodami: sovremennoe sostoyanie i perspektivy: sbornik statei Mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii [Waste management: current state and prospects: collection of articles of the International scientific and practical conference]. Ufa, 2019. рр. 51 – 54. (In Russ.)
About the Authors
Zhuravleva Anastasia Nikolaevna
Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of the environmental engineering, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Udmurt state University», 426034, Universitetskaya str., 1/4, Izhevsk, Russia.
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Igonina Anna Sergeevna
Student of bachelor's degree in «Environmental Engineering and Water Use» Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Udmurt state University», 426034, Universitetskaya str., 1/4, Izhevsk, Russia.
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Kopysova Irina Vasilyevna
Student of bachelor's degree in «Environmental Engineering and Water Use» Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Udmurt state University», 426034, Universitetskaya str., 1/4, Izhevsk, Russia.
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