K. B. Akhmadullin, O. M. Mirsaetov, А. D. Romashko
Annotation. The paper analyzes the application of cyclic flooding technologies on Vereya-Bashkir deposits in the south-eastern zone of the Udmurt Republic. The facts of low efficiency of unsteady flooding due to the lack of systematized approach to the selection of candidate wells for cyclic injection, as well as the lack of consideration of zones of increased fracturing of the reservoir are noted. The most probable reasons of efficiency decrease related to well placement in zones of increased fracturing and reduced permeability anisotropy of formations are revealed.
The use of mathematical statistics methods to identify zones of increased fracturing in the drilled oil deposit is proposed. The possibility of using an integrated approach to the technology of cyclic waterflooding combining the processes of formation of interlayer flows, as well as changing the direction of filtration flows and the duration of water injection periods is shown. This proposal will help to avoid emulsion blockages in the bottomhole zone of wells, increase oil recovery in the drained part of the reservoir, and reduce water cut of well products.
Keywords: unsteady waterflooding, zones of increased fracturing, aggregative stability of emulsions, emulsion blocking, horizontal permeability, vertical permeability, permeability anisotropy.
For citation: Akhmadullin K.B., Mirsaetov O.M., Romashko А.D. [Peculiarities of application of unsteady waterflooding technology at the late stage of development of oil deposit with pore and fractured-pore reservoir formation] Upravlenie tekhnosferoi, 2024, vol. 7, issue 3. (In Russ.). Available at: https://technosphere-ing.ru/ рр. 397–418. DOI: 10.34828/UdSU.2024.57.34.003.
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About the Authors
Akhmadullin Kamil Bulatovich
Docent, Institute of Oil and Gas. M.S. Gutseriev, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Udmurt State University", 426034, University st., 1, Izhevsk, Russia.
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Mirsaetov Oleg Marsimovich
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Institute of Oil and Gas. M.S. Gutseriev, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Udmurt State University", 426034, University st., 1, Izhevsk, Russia.
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Romashko Alina Dmitrievna
Master student, Institute of Oil and Gas named after M.S. Gutseriev, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Udmurt State University", 426034, University st., 1, Izhevsk, Russia.
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