E.V. Kororova, A.A. Lipaev
Annotation. The Gremikhinskoye oil field has been developed since 1991, it has become a testing ground for the introduction of original thermal development methods created under the leadership of Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences V.I. Kudinov. In this regard, lithological and petrographic study of the rocks of this deposit is of interest. The main object of development is the Bashkirian stage of the Middle Carboniferous. The article provides a lithological description of a core collection of bioclastic limestones of the Bashkirian stage from the depth interval of 1117,81-1239,7 meters. The mineralogical and petrographic description was carried out in thin sections, based on the work of Mizenets G.A. To determine the structure, the classification of limestones by structure was used (Dunham, 1962; Embry & Klovan, 1971; as interpreted by V.G. Kuznetsov, 1992). The results of the study may be useful in regulating the development of this field.
Keywords: rocks, lithological and petrographic studies, texture, mineral composition, carbonate minerals, bashkirian stage, thin sections.
For citation: Kororova E.V., Lipaev A.A. [On the issue of lithological and petrographic studies of rocks of the Gremikhinskoye oil field of Udmurtia] Upravlenie tekhnosferoi, 2024, vol. 7, issue 1. (In Russ.) Available at: https://technosphere-ing.ru/. рр.146 –153.
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About the Authors
Kororova Elena Vasilievna
senior Lecturer, Department of Geology and Geophysics of Oil and Gas, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Ural State Mining University». Yekaterinburg, Khokhryakova str., 85, Russia.
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Lipaev Alexander Anatolyevich
doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Geology and Geophysics of Oil and Gas, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Ural State Mining University», Yekaterinburg, Khokhryakova str., 85, Russia.
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