B.B. Bobovich
Abstract. The composition and age structure of the Russian motor transport industry are considered, and it is shown that most of the motor transport has a long service life, and the average age of all vehicles is 12.5 years. It is shown that the high level of air pollution in cities is the result of a large proportion of morally and physically outdated vehicles on the country's roads, which are replaced by cars of high environmental classes is extremely slow. Environmental problems caused by the road transport industry are the pollution of the biosphere and its associated negative impact on human health, as well as the depletion of natural resources. It is shown that the motor transport industry is the largest consumer of material and energy resources. Full-fledged recycling of decommissioned vehicles allows reducing the consumption of primary resources, reusing auto components and producing secondary materials. The best foreign experience of handling decommissioned cars, which provides for disassembly, restoration and recycling of all car components is considered. Taking into account the need to update the car fleet, it is advisable to create an economic sector in the country that is engaged in the collection and dismantling of cars, the restoration of auto components that have not exhausted their resource, and the production of secondary material and energy resources from other wastes.
Keywords: motor transport industry, environmental problems, biosphere pollution, environmental class of the vehicle, resource intensity, recycling, waste, auto components.
For citation: Bobovich B.B. [On the need to organize of decommissioned car recycling]. Upravlenie tekhnosferoj, 2020, vol. 3, issue 2. (In Russ.) Available at: f-ing.udsu.ru/technosphere pp. 180 – 189. DOI 10.34828/UdSU.2020.70.90.002
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About the Author
Bobovich Boris Borisovich
Doctor of technical Sciences, Professor, Moscow Polytechnic University, B. Semenovskaya str., 38, Russia.
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