S.A. Khorkov


Annotation. The model for the formation of the hierarchical structure and the accumulation of the technocenosis resource is proposed. It is shown that this model has a structure similar to that of the model of random branching processes. The model allows to establish the relationship between the number of accumulated events and the distribution of the duration of the amount of subintervals between individual events.
Keywords: hierarchical structure, resource accumulation, random branching process, technocenosis.

For citation: Khorkov S. A. [The formation model of the hierarchical structure and accumulation of technocenosis resource]. Upravleniye tekhnosferoy, 2019, vol. 2, issue 2. (In Russ) Available at: f-ing.udsu.ru/technosphere



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About the Authors

Horkov Sergey Alekseevich

Senior Lecturer, Department of Heat Power Engineering, Udmurt State University,

Oil and Gas Institute of. M.S. Gutseriev, 426034, Russia, Izhevsk, University str. 1/7,

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