B.B. Zobnin
Annotation. A new technology of liquidation of objects of accumulated environmental damage (AED), consisting in reagentless treatment and neutralization of acid mine water (AMW), described as a conflict-controlled system under intellectualization of observation processes, is proposed. The technical realization providing high operational reliability due to the application of cavitation influence on AMW is proposed. In the conflict-controlled system the role of an ally is played by the impacts aimed at the elimination of AED, and the role of an adversary - negative processes that prevent the achievement of the goal and are uncertain (hydrogeomechanical, geochemical, etc.). Efficiency of a particular technology of liquidation of AED at the lower hierarchical level is characterized by the value of specific costs for treatment of 1 m3 of mine water and extraction of metal-containing sludge from it. The use of ontological approach to computer modeling of technology of transformation of AMW properties into properties of treated water is substantiated.
Keywords: conceptual model, objects of accumulated environmental damage, modeling environment, objects of accumulated damage, natural-technological complexes, acid mine water, heavy metal ions, reagentless runoff treatment, hydrothermodynamic cavitation, conflict-controlled system.
For citation: Zobnin B.B. [Conceptual model of the accumulated environmental damage object on the example of degtyarsk copper mine] Upravlenie tekhnosferoi, 2024, vol. 7, issue 1. (In Russ.) Available at: https://technosphere-ing.ru/ рр. 27–41. DOI: 10.34828/UdSU.2024.45.77.003.
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About the Author
Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Ural State Mining University,
620144 Yekaterinburg, Kuibyshev 30, Russia.
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