V.N. Kuzmin


Abstract. The article discusses the importance of the properties of drilling mud filtrate in assessing the quality of drilling mud. Recommendations are given to reduce the zone of penetration of drilling mud filtrate into formations and rocks. The recommendations specified in the article allow to avoid technological complications and accidents arising from the swelling of clay rocks. Reducing the likelihood of technological complications and accidents caused by swelling of rocks of the well wall, as well as reducing the level of contamination of the reservoir is achieved by increasing the plastic-rheological properties of the drilling mud filtrate.
Key words: drilling fluids, drilling mud filtrate, drilling mud quality.

For citation: Kuzmin V.N. [The filtrate, as an important indicator of the quality of drilling mud] Upravlenie tekhnosferoj, 2020, vol. 3. issue 1. (In Russ.) Available at: f-ing.udsu.ru/technosphere



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About the Authors

Kuzmin Vyacheslav Nikolaevich

associate professor, PhD, head of the Department of oil and gas drilling, Institute of oil and gas is named M. S. Gutseriev, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Udmurt state University", 426034, Universitetskaya str., 1/7, Izhevsk, Russia.

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