A.O. Luchina, E.A. Sharova, A.V. Kalugina, D.N. Solovyova, M.V. Uspenskaya, E.V. Belukhichev 

Annotation. This article raises the problem of environmental contamination caused by the difficulty of recycling polymer articles, namely polyvinyl chloride packaging films. Composting PVC composite films is one of recycling method that will significantly reduce the volume of polymer landfills and waste. We investigated films obtained by combining synthetic polymers with biopolymers, namely, combining polyvinyl chloride with poly (3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyhexanoate). We also propose to reuse waste from wood and agricultural industry to improve the ecological characteristics of the composite. The article provides an overview of the properties and methods of preparing the used materials, as well as a comparative characteristic of the biodegradability of samples with fillers such as rice husks, birch flour and birch loaf. The results obtained as part of this work confirm the effectiveness of the incorporation of natural fillers into polymeric packaging films. But it should be noted that many more studies should be carried out to solve the problem.

Key words: Polyvinyl chloride, polyhydroxyalconates, wood fillers, composting, biodegradation.


For citation: Luchina A.O., Sharova E.A., Kalugina A.V., Solovyova D.N., Uspenskaya M.V., Belukhichev E.V. [Increasing the environmental component of PVC-PHB polymer compositions by adding wood fillers to the mixture] Upravlenie tekhnosferoi, 2021, vol. 4, issue 2. (In Russ.) Available at: pp. 192 – 211. DOI: 10.34828/UdSU.2021.61.26.008  pdf(421kb)


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About the Authors

Alyona Olegovna Luchina

1st year master's student at ITMO University. 197101, St. Petersburg,

Kronverksky prospect, 49, Russia.

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Sharova Ekaterina Alexandrovna

4th year undergraduate student at ITMO University. 197101, St. Petersburg,

Kronverksky prospect, 49, Russia.

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Kalugina Anna Vladimirovna

4th year undergraduate student at ITMO University. 197101, St. Petersburg,

Kronverksky prospect, 49, Russia.

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Solovieva Daria Nikolaevna

4th year undergraduate student at ITMO University. 197101, St. Petersburg,

Kronverksky prospect, 49, Russia.

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Maya Uspenskaya

Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences at ITMO University. 197101, St. Petersburg,

Kronverksky prospect, 49, Russia.

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Belukhichev Evgeny Valentinovich

Leading technology specialist at Klöckner Pentaplast Rus LLC. Russia.

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