The journal "Management of the Technosphere" is a scientific and technical periodical (published 4 times a year), which publishes relevant articles of a scientific and practical nature, reviews of scientists, doctoral students, postgraduates, undergraduates, teachers, university students, research institutes, engineers and practitioners , as well as foreign authors discussing various issues of technosphere management.



A distinctive feature of the "Management of the Technosphere" journal is its multidisciplinary nature. He examines the natural scientific, economic and legal foundations of the management of the technosphere. Its enormous scale and ever-increasing impact on the biosphere leads, on the one hand, to global environmental problems and negative impacts on human health, and on the other, to an accelerating depletion of natural resources. Solving the problem of creating comfortable conditions for human life and preserving the natural environment at the same time requires a systematic approach to the design, creation and operation of techno-substance, technosphere, as a whole, harmonization of relations between the biosphere and technosphere, rational management of the development of the latter. The purpose of the journal is to consolidate the efforts of scientists and practitioners aimed at a comprehensive study of the problems of the technosphere, modeling its interaction with the biosphere, overcoming the fragmentation of management methods for certain types of the technosphere, monitoring the state and development of the latter.
The task of the journal is to reflect the results of research, scientific, practical and experimental activities of the authors, to form open scientific polemics that contribute to improving the quality of scientific research, to draw attention to global problems of the technosphere, as well as the most relevant promising and interesting research areas on the journal's topics..
The electronic journal publishes materials that contribute to the development of science and technology, the implementation of their achievements in the national economy and the educational process in the preparation of highly qualified personnel, providing full-text access to scientific articles..
On its pages are presented articles on various scientific areas that exist at the Udmurt State University and other universities in Russia, acute problems of the development of world science are actively discussed. Along with original articles and analytical reviews, the chronicle of scientific life is systematically covered..
The target audience of the journal is represented by scientists from universities and academic institutions, graduate students and students from all regions of Russia, as well as foreign countries. The journal may publish materials of any author, regardless of place of residence, nationality and the presence of an academic degree, who submitted previously unpublished material. The copyright belongs to the authors of the articles. The editorial board of the journal is responsible for making a decision on publication, ensuring that its decision is justified by the results of scientific review. The editorial policy of the journal is based on the traditional ethical principles of Russian scientific periodicals, supports the Code of Ethics for Scientific Publications and the Code of Conduct for the Publisher of the Journal, developed by COPE..
The journal "Management of the Technosphere" conducts scientific review and accepts scientific materials for publication in the form of articles, short messages, reviews on the following groups of scientific specialties:.

Scientific specialties:

1.6.11 Geology, prospecting, exploration and exploitation of oil and gas fields
1.6.21 Geoecology (HAC)

Scientific specialties:

2.4.2 Electrical systems and complexes
2.4.5. Energy systems and complexes
2.4.10. Technosphere safety (in power engineering)

Scientific specialties:

2.8.2 Technology of drilling and well development
2.8.4 Development and operation of oil and gas fields (HAC)
2.8.10. Labor protection, industrial safety, security in emergency situations (subsoil use)

registraciy 1234

Certificate of registration of mass media series FS 77 - 75587 dated 23.05.2019 issued by the Federal service for supervision of communications, information technologies and mass communications (Roskomnadzor) FS77-75587.

02.12.2019 - Technosphere Management magazine is registered in the international center ISSN 2686-8148 (Online).
All issues of the "Management of the technosphere" are registered in the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Research and Development Center “Informregistr”. The "Management of the technosphere" is included in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) database.

12.02.2020 - articles of the journal "Management of the technosphere" are assigned the Digital Object Identifier (DOI). Specific DOI search query is as follows: DOI: 10.34828/UdSU. ( search 10.34828/UdSU on

Network publication "Management of the Technosphere" is included in the current List of peer-reviewed scientific publications (the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation)

Information about the inclusion of the network edition is presented on the official website of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation (

© Electronic scientific journal "Management of the technosphere". All rights reserved.

Founder: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Udmurt State University"

Publisher: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Udmurt State University"