S.A. Krasnoperova



Annotation. This article discusses the problem of oil pollution of the environment. To solve this problem, it is proposed to use a sorption method for removing oil and petroleum products. To identify the most effective sorbent, several types of sorbents were analyzed according to the complex of their properties. When choosing sorbents, it is necessary to take into account such indicators as moisture capacity, oil absorption rate, operating temperature range, density, hydrophobicity, buoyancy, possibility of regeneration, toxicity, method of disposal. It has been revealed that in almost all indicators sorbents made of natural materials are inferior to the sorbents of the "Unisorb" series. "Unisorb" sorbents have a polymer base, which is a developed network of capillaries capable of absorbing oil and petroleum products in significant volumes. The cost of cleaning 1 m3 of oil with the use of sorbents of the Unisorb series is 3-4 times lower than when using sorbents based on natural raw materials.

Key words: oil, sorbent, waste, environmental pollution, sorption, oil capacity.

For citation: Krasnoperova S.A. [The evaluation of the effectiveness of sorbents used for the removal of oil and petroleum products] Upravlenie tekhnosferoi, 2021, vol. 4, issue 4. (In Russ.) Available at: https://technosphere-ing.ru/ рр. 413 – 423. DOI: 10.34828/UdSU.2021.83.79.007



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About the Author

Krasnoperova Svetlana Anatolyevna

Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Udmurt State University

426034 Universitetskaya str., 1/7 Izhevsk, Russia,

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