S.B. Yarusova, P.S. Gordienko, S.N. Danilova, D.V. Dostovalov, I.G. Zhevtun, I.Yu Buravlev, A.A. Оkhlopkova, G.F. Krysenko



Annotation. In the article the proposed technological schemes of boric acid production waste processing (borogypsum), accumulated on the territory of the Far East region of the Russian Federation in significant volumes, are considered. It is shown that in the list of potential useful products from borogypsum the main segment belongs to obtaining building materials and various compounds based on silicates (silicon dioxide, liquid sodium glass, wollastonite, sodium-calcium-silicate glasses). The results of the authors' own research related to the development of physical and chemical bases of complex processing of borogypsum with obtaining multifunctional mineral fillers based on calcium silicates (including needle wollastonite), silica fume, ceramic matrices, fertilizers are presented.

Keywords: boric acid production wastes, borogypsum, complex processing, silicate materials, calcium hydrosilicates, wollastonite, functional materials.


For citation: Yarusova S.B., Gordienko P.S., Danilova S.N., Dostovalov D.V., Zhevtun I.G., Buravlev I.Yu, Оkhlopkova A.A., Krysenko G.F. [Production and prospects of application of silicate materials from industrial boric acid production wastes: a rewiew] Upravlenie tekhnosferoi, 2023, vol. 6, issue 3. (In Russ.) Available at: https://technosphere-ing.ru/ рр 362–385.

DOI: 10.34828/UdSU.2023.43.86.006



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  33. Yarusova S.B., Gordienko P.S. Kompleksnaya pererabotka gipsovykh promyshlennykh otkhodov s polucheniem funktsional'nykh materialov [Complex processing of gypsum industrial wastes with the production of functional materials]. Sovremennye problemy kompleksnoi i glubokoi pererabotki mineral'nogo syr'ya prirodnogo i tekhnogennogo proiskhozhdeniya (Plaksinskie chteniya – 2022): materialy mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii [Modern Problems of Complex and Deep Processing of Mineral Raw Materials of Natural and Technogenic Origin (Plaksin Readings – 2022): Proceedings of the International Conference]. Vladivostok, 2022. pp. 412–415. (In Russ.).
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  36. Gordienko P.S., Bagramyan V.V., Yarusova S.B. and others. Vliyanie mikrovolnovoi obrabotki na kinetiku formirovaniya i morfologiyu gidrosilikatov kal'tsiya [Effect of microwave treatment on the formation kinetics and morphology of calcium hydrosilicates]. Zhurnal prikladnoi khimii [Journal of Applied Chemistry], 2012. vol. 85. no.10. pp. 1582–1586. (In Russ.).
  37. Gordienko P.S., Yarusova S.B., Suponina A.P. and others. Vliyanie ul'trazvukovoi obrabotki na kinetiku formirovaniya gidrosilikata kal'tsiya iz borsoderzhashchikh tekhnogennykh otkhodov [Effect of ultrasonic treatment on the kinetics of calcium hydrosilicate formation from boron-containing technogenic wastes]. Khimicheskaya tekhnologiya [Chemical engineering], 2014. vol.15. no.10. pp. 577–581. (In Russ.).
  38. Yarusova S.B., Gordienko P.S., Sharma Y.C. and others. Industrial waste as raw material for producing synthetic wollastonite in Russia. International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, 2017. Vol.8. № 1. pp. 1–5. (In Russ.).
  39. Yarusova S.B., Gordienko P.S., Buravlev I.Yu. and others. Chapter 18 - The use of ultrasonic treatment in technological processes of complex processing of industrial waste: Energetic insights. Energy Aspects of Acoustic Cavitation and Sonochemistry. Editor(s): Oualid Hamdaoui, Kaouther Kerboua, Elsevier, 2022. pp. 299-313. (In Russ.).
  40. Gordienko P.S., Yarusova S.B., Krysenko G.F. and others. Boron-containing wastes from mineral processing as a sorbent for Sr2+ ion removal from aqueous solutions. Pacific science review, 2012. Vol.14. № 3. pp. 269–274. (In Russ.).
  41. Gordienko P.S., Yarusova S.B., Demidov M.I. and others. Strength of Hydrated Cement Based on Borogypsum. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020. 753. 022002.
  42. Gordienko P.S., Krysenko G.F., Yarusova S.B. and others. Poluchenie «beloi sazhi» iz otkhodov bornogo proizvodstva. [Obtaining «white soot» from waste boron production] Fundamental'nye issledovaniya i prikladnye razrabotki protsessov pererabotki i utilizatsii tekhnogennykh obrazovanii: trudy V Kongressa c mezhdunarodnym uchastiem i Konferentsii molodykh uchenykh «TEKhNOGEN-2021» [Fundamental research and applied development of processes of recycling and utilization of technogenic formations: Proceedings of V Congress with international participation and Conference of young scientists TECHNOGEN-2021]. Ekaterinburg, 2021. pp. 183–186. (In Russ.).
  43. Patent 2550188 RF, MPK B01J 20/10; B01J 20/04; B01J 20/30. Sposob polucheniya silikatnogo sorbenta [Method for obtaining silicate sorbent]. S.B.Yarusova, P.S.Gordienko, O.V.Grivanova. № 2013159093/05; zayavl. 30.12.2013 ; opubl. 10.05.15, byul. № 13. (In Russ.).
  44. Yarusova S.B., Gordienko P.S., Yudakov A.A. and others. Kinetika sorbtsii ionov tyazhelykh metallov sorbentom, poluchennym iz otkhodov proizvodstva bornoi kisloty [Kinetics of heavy metal ion sorption by a sorbent derived from boric acid production waste]. Khimicheskaya tekhnologiya [Chemical engineering], 2015. vol.16. no.10. pp. 620–624. (In Russ.).
  45. Ekologicheskie issledovaniya na Dal'nem Vostoke Rossii: istoriya i sovremennost': monografiya [Environmental Studies in the Russian Far East: History and Modernity: Monograph]. pod red. V.Yu.Tsygankova, S.B.Yarusovoi; Vladivostokskii gosudarstvennyi universitet. Vladivostok: Izd-vo VVGU, 2022. 380 p. (In Russ.).
  46. Yarusova S.B., Panasenko A.E., Kharchenko U.V. and others. Sintez sorbenta na osnove tekhnogennykh otkhodov i vozmozhnosti ego ispol'zovaniya dlya ochistki vodnykh sred ot razlichnykh pollyutantov. [Synthesis of a sorbent based on technogenic wastes and the possibility of its use for purification of aqueous media from various pollutants] Materialy Vserossiiskoi nauchnoi konferentsii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem molodykh uchenykh i spetsialistov «Innovatsionnye tekhnologii zashchity okruzhayushchei sredy v sovremennom mire» [Materials of the All-Russian Scientific Conference with International Participation of Young Scientists and Specialists «Innovative Technologies of Environmental Protection in the Modern World»]. Kazan', 2021. pp. 542–545. (In Russ.).
  47. Yarusova S.B., Gordienko P.S., Kozin A.V. and others. Influence of synthetic calcium silicates on the strength properties of fine-grained concrete. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2018. vol. 347.
  48. Kharchenko U., Zemnukhova L., Yarusova S. and others. Use of silicate by‑products in water treatment processes and development of eco‑friendly self‑polishing antifouling coatings. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2022. vol.19. Is.7. pp. 5945–5956.
  49. Shichalin O.O., Yarusova S.B., Papynov E.K. and others. Keramicheskie matritsy na osnove vollastonita, poluchennye metodom iskrovogo plazmennogo spekaniya dlya immobilizatsii kobal'ta-60. [Wollastonite-Based Ceramic Matrices Produced by Spark Plasma Sintering for Cobalt-60 Immobilization]. Fiziko-khimicheskie problemy adsorbtsii, struktury i khimii poverkhnosti nanoporistykh materialov: vserossiiskaya konferentsiya s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem (k 120-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya M.M. Dubinina) [Physico-chemical problems of adsorption, structure and surface chemistry of nanoporous materials: All-Russian Conference with international participation (to the 120th anniversary of M.M. Dubinin)], Moscow, 2021. pp. 195–198. (In Russ.).
  50. Patent 2595682 RF, MPK C01B 33/24; C30B 7/10; C30B 29/34; C30B 29/62; B82B 3/00; B82Y 40/00. Sposob polucheniya vollastonita [Method for obtaining wollastonite]. P.S.Gordienko, S.B.Yarusova, A.V.Kozin and others. № 2015141614/05; zayavl. 30.09.2015; opubl. 27.08.16, byul. № 24. (In Russ.).
  51. Gordienko P.S., Kozin A.V., Yarusova S.B. and others. Kompleksnaya pererabotka otkhodov proizvodstva bornoi kisloty s polucheniem materialov dlya stroiindustrii [Complex processing of boric acid production wastes with obtaining materials for the building industry]. Arkhitektura i stroitel'stvo Dal'nego Vostoka: Gornyi informatsionno-analiticheskii byulleten' (nauchno-tekhnicheskii zhurnal). Otdel'nye stat'i (spetsial'nyi vypusk) [Architecture and Construction of the Far East: Mining Information and Analytical Bulletin (scientific and technical journal). Selected articles (special issue)], 2014. no.12. pp. 60–66. (In Russ.).
  52. Gordienko P.S., Yarusova S.B., Kozin A.V. and others. Material na osnove sinteticheskogo vollastonita i ego vliyanie na funktsional'nye svoistva melkozernistogo betona [Material based on synthetic wollastonite and its effect on the functional properties of fine-grained concrete]. Perspektivnye materialy [Perspective Materials], 2017. no. 9. pp. 40–48. (In Russ.).
  53. Danilova S.N., Yarusova S.B., Buravlev I.Yu. and others. Modifitsirovanie SVMPE vollastonitom, sintezirovannym iz otkhodov bornogo proizvodstva [Modification of UHMWPE with wollastonite synthesized from boron production waste]. Polimernye materialy i tekhnologii [Polymer materials and technologies], 2021. vol.7. no.1, pp. 71–82. (In Russ.).
  54. Yarusova S.B., Gordienko P.S., Kozin A.V. and others. Mnogotonnazhnye otkhody na osnove gipsa syr'e dlya polucheniya vollastonita [Large-tonnage gypsum-based waste raw materials for wollastonite production] Tekhnologii pererabotki otkhodov s polucheniem novoi produktsii: materialy III Vserossiiskoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem [Technologies of waste recycling with obtaining new products: Proceedings of the III All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation]. Kirov, 2021, pp. 88–91. (In Russ.).
  55. Danilova S.N., Kharchenko U.V., Yarusova S.B. and others. Ispol'zovanie sinteticheskogo vollastonita na osnove tekhnogennogo syr'ya v polimerakh i pokrytiyakh [Use of synthetic wollastonite based on technogenic raw materials in polymers and coatings] Keramika i kompozitsionnye materialy: Tezisy dokladov X Vserossiiskoi nauchnoi konferentsii [Ceramics and composite materials: Abstracts of the X All-Russian Scientific Conference]. Syktyvkar, 2021. pp. 88–89. (In Russ.).

About the Authors

Yarusova Sofia Borisovna

Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher. Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Chemistry, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 159 100th Anniversary of Vladivostok Avenue, Vladivostok, 690022, Russia.

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Gordienko Pavel Sergeevich

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Laboratory. Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Chemistry, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 159 100th Anniversary of Vladivostok Avenue, Vladivostok, 690022, Russia.

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Danilova Sakhayana Nikolaevna

junior researcher; laboratory «Polymer composites for the North». Institute of Natural Sciences, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K.Ammosov», st. Belinsky, 58, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Yakutsk, 677000, Russia.

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Dostovalov Demyan Viktorovich

Ph.D., researcher. Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Chemistry, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 159 100-th Anniversary of Vladivostok Avenue, Vladivostok, 690022, Russia.

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Zhevtun Ivan Gennadievich

Ph.D., researcher. Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Chemistry, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 159 100-th Anniversary of Vladivostok Avenue, Vladivostok, 690022, Russia.

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Buravlev Igor Yurievich

Ph.D., Associate Professor. Polytechnical Institute. Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «Far Eastern Federal University», Ajaks, 10, o. Russian, Vladivostok, 690922, Russia.

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Okhlopkova Aitalina Alekseevna

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher educational-scientific-technological laboratory «Technologies of polymer nanocomposites» named after S.A. Sleptsova. Institute of Natural Sciences. Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K.Ammosov», st. Belinsky, 58, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Yakutsk, 677000, Russia.

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Krysenko Galina Filippovna

Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Researcher Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Chemistry, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 159 100-th Anniversary of Vladivostok Avenue, Vladivostok, 690022, Russia.

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