T.N. Korepanova, S.Yu. Borkhovich, S.B. Kolesova



Annotation. Unreliable operation of downhole pumping equipment is a widespread problem in the oil and gas industry, which is dangerous to workers and results in significant losses and shortages of valuable natural resources. Causes of equipment failure include factors such as corrosion, emulsion, mechanical impurities, salt deposits, asphaltenes, resins, and paraffins. Important areas of the problem are low efficiency of well protection, lack of sufficient understanding of the nature of chemical movement in the well, difficulty in dosing and loss of chemicals due to various factors such as well geometry, surface quality, upward gas flow and temperature. The article presents the results of laboratory studies demonstrating the influence of various factors on the distribution of chemicals in wells, which emphasises the importance of in-depth study of this problem to ensure the safety and efficiency of production in the oil and gas industry, as well as highlighting the need to investigate the nature of the movement of chemicals in the borehole space and more detailed determination of the duration of time for chemicals to reach the zone of useful action.

Keywords: oil production, failure, equipment protection, chemical reagents, efficiency, complicating factors.

For citation: Korepanova T.N., Borkhovich S.Yu., Kolesova S.B. [The studying of the movement's character of chemical reagents in the annual space of the well] Upravlenie tekhnosferoi, 2024, vol. 7, issue 1. (In Russ.). Available at: https://technosphere-ing.ru/ рр. 125–134. DOI: 10.34828/UdSU.2024.47.75.010.




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About the Authors

Korepanova Tatyana Nikolaevna

Master's student, Institute of Oil and Gas named after M.S. Gutseriev, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Udmurt State University", 426034, University st., 1, Izhevsk, Russia.

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Borkhovich Sergey Yuryevich

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Development and Operation of Oil and Gas Fields, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Udmurt State University", 426034, University st., 1, Izhevsk, Russia.

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Kolesova Svetlana Borisovna

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Development and Operation of Oil and Gas Fields, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Udmurt State University", 426034, University st., 1, Izhevsk, Russia.

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