S.V. Krichevsky




Annotation. The origin, development and results of research on the ecological history of technology (EHT) for 25 years (1998-2023) are considered. The background and history of EHT as an interdisciplinary scientific direction proposed by the author in 1998 are briefly described. The foundations, important concepts and definitions are outlined. The main publications are cited. EHT in Russia and the world in the XX - early XXI century is briefly presented as the structure and dynamics of ecological aspects of the process of evolution of engineering from technology to technosphere. The problems and prospects of management of evolution and ecologization of technologies, activities, technosphere in socio-techno-natural paradigm, with the coverage of biosphere, technosphere and society are considered. The paper presents: classification of technologies; model for assessing the environmental friendliness of technologies; technology for managing the evolution and greening of technologies.  Management of evolution and ecologization of technologies (including nature-like and non-nature-like) and the entire technosphere in the XXI century becomes a priority problem of science, education and practice to ensure safety, survival and development of man and society. Conclusions are formulated.

Keywords: biosphere, society, technical activity, technology, technosphere, management, man, evolution, ecological history, ecologization.


For citation: Krichevsky S.V. [Brief ecological history of engineering from technologies to technosphere, problems and prospects of managing their evolution and ecologization] Upravlenie tekhnosferoi, 2024, vol. 7, issue 2. (In Russ.)  Available at: https://technosphere-ing.ru/ рр. 267–284. DOI: 10.34828/UdSU.2024.13.19.008



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  2. Krichevskii S.V. Ekologicheskaya istoriya tekhniki ot tekhnologii do tekhnosfery. XX – nachalo XXI veka. Metodologiya, opyt, perspektivy: monografiya [The ecological history of technology from technology to the technosphere. XX the beginning of the XXI century. Methodology, experience, prospects: monograph]. Moscow: YuNITI-DANA, 2023, 367 p. (In Russ.).
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About the Author

Krichevsky Sergey Vladimirovich

Professor, Doctor of Philosophy, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Chief Researcher of the Department of History of Technology and Technical Sciences of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science «S.I. Vavilov Institute for the History of Science and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences» (IHST RAS), 125315 Moscow, Baltiyskaya str., 14, Russia.

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