A.A. Lipaev

Annotation. The article outlines the stages of building the technosphere - the totality of technology and technical systems created by man, together with the area of his technical activity, as well as the transformation of the technosphere into the biotechnosphere. The periods of human development in this regard can be divided into the pre-technosphere, the emergence and complication of technical substance, the emergence of technocenoses, the development of the technosphere and finally the formation of a global system - the modern biotechnosphere. These stages are largely related to the development of technology. The basis of the qualitative change of technology and technology are fundamental scientific research, leading, in turn, to the formation of new natural-science pictures of the world. Analyzed the consequences of the creation of biotechnosphere on the life of human society, as well as the global environmental problems that have arisen. The necessity of biotechnosphere management is shown. We consider the processes of forecasting, planning, organizing, motivating, coordinating and controlling, in order to achieve the main goals of human society related to the realization of its material and spiritual needs, as well as creating and maintaining a comfortable living environment. This requires the integration of science, technology, practice and education, the unification of the efforts of all mankind.
Keywords: biosphere, technosphere, biotechnosphere, management, technocenoses, technical substance, history of engineering and technology, scientific research, scientific and technological revolution, ecology.

For citation: Lipaev A.A. [The biotechnosphere: stages of establishing and problems of management]. Upravlenie texnosferoj, 2019, vol. 2, issue 1. (In Russ) Available at: f-ing.udsu.ru/technosphere


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About the Authors

Lipaev Alexander Anatolyevich

Doctor of Technical Sciences,

Professor of the Department for the Development and Operation of Oil and Gas Fields of Almetyevsk State Oil Institute, 423450, Tatarstan, Almetyevsk, Lenin str. 2.

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