Publishing Policies of the "Management of the Technosphere " Electronic Journal
1. Rules for sending scientific articles
1.1 Submission of the manuscript for publication in the journal "Management of the Technosphere" is transferred to the Publisher with the transfer of exclusive rights to use the work (in the electronic version of individual issues of the Journal) published in electronic libraries and databases in order to disseminate information about the Journal and its authors, increase the level of citation, including for the entire period of publication of the "Management of the Technosphere" Journal.
1.2 The authors sign the Agreement on consent to use the article in the press. The authors guarantee that the article is an original work and they have exclusive copyright to it. The form of the License Agreement is located on the journal's website.
1.3 The manuscript is registered upon receipt by the executive secretary of the journal, who monitors the compliance of the submitted materials with the requirements for the design of articles posted on the site.
1.4 In case the submitted paper does not meet the criteria for publication, the author will be provided with a suggestion on how to improve the paper to be accepted by the Journal. If the submitted paper meets the criteria for publication, it is forwarded to the deputy chief editor. Papers are published in the order of precedence. The date of receipt is the day of receipt of the final version of the article.
2. Rules for reviewing articles
2.1. All articles and materials submitted to the editorial boards of the journal "Management of the Technosphere" are subject to mandatory scientific expertise.
2.2. Authors' originals of articles are accepted for consideration only subject to the requirements that are posted on the journal's website in the "Rules for Authors" section and in current issues of the journal. Manuscripts drawn up in violation of the requirements are not considered and are not returned to the authors.
2.3. The primary assessment of the manuscript is carried out by the editor-in-chief of each series. He determines the correspondence of the article to the profile of the journal and sends it for peer review.
2.4. To review manuscripts of articles, both members of the editorial boards of all series of the journal and highly qualified scientists and specialists of the Udmurt University and other state educational institutions of higher professional education (corresponding members, doctors of sciences, professors, candidates of sciences), employees of academic and applied institutes, which have a scientific specialization closest to the topic of the article and have, over the past 3 years, publications on the subject of the reviewed article.
2.5 Reviews are kept in the publishing house and in the editorial office of the publication for 5 years. The reviewer cannot be the author or co-author of the reviewed work.
3. Publication rules
3.1 The decision to publish articles and materials submitted to the journal "Management of the Technosphere" is made by the editor-in-chief of each topic based on the recommendations of the editorial board and expert assessments of the reviewers. This takes into account the correspondence of the article to the scientific profile of the series of the journal to which it is directed, as well as the relevance and novelty of the research topic, its theoretical and practical significance. In case of rejection of the materials, a reasoned refusal is sent to the author along with a review. The editorial board does not enter into further discussions with the author.
3.2 The manuscript in need of revision is sent to the author with the comments of the reviewer and scientific editor. The author must take into account all the comments made in the process of reviewing and editing the article, answer each question addressed to him. In case of disagreement with the reviewer or editor, the author must briefly and clearly justify his position. After correcting the comments made to the author, his article is sent for re-consideration to the reviewer.
3.3 Within seven (7) days, the executive editor shall forward to the author(s) of the submitted paper and to the expert board of the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles (in case there is a relevant request from the State Commission) an abstract of decision of the editorial board about the submitted paper with the reviews’ copies attached. Any identifying information about reviewers shall be deleted from the document; the identity of the reviewer shall not be disclosed to the author, unless the reviewer has expressed explicitly his/her consent to such disclosure.